Squares #9: Anne and Connie

by Jess Bean on January 18, 2011

Here’s the great thing about winter coats and knee-high boots: no one can tell that underneath you are wearing your pajamas. For our latest update, I envisioned going around Union Square, taking pictures of every woman wearing a black, hooded, down-filled jacket. I thought I’d find at least 100 models.

The plan changed when I saw Connie’s turquoise Ray-Bans glinting in the sun at the Nunziato Field dog park. Sunglasses are just as practical as coats in the blindingly white snowdrifts and they are twice as stylin’.

Connie, dog-owning Villen

“I got this coat at a clothing swap. It’s J. Crew and warm enough for a day like today. An old roommate left this hat behind and it’s been mine ever since. The Ray-Bans were a birthday present from my boyfriend, Matt. I don’t like to squint. And in the snow, everything is so reflect-y.”

Anne, Visiting Villen

Anne: “The boots are Connie’s. I’m visiting for the weekend and I didn’t bring appropriate clothing. The rest of the outfit is mine. Well, except for the long underwear.

Connie: “Not pictured: the long underwear.”

Anne: “It’s Connie’s. We’re close.”

We reversed the usual dog park social etiquette and asked the humans their names, but didn’t get the name of this cute, camera-and-face-licking dude.

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Fathmina January 18, 2011 at 3:37 PM

This article doubled as a fashion/weather report! One plus to so much snow it that the dog park is [hopefully] less smelly!

Daisy January 25, 2011 at 10:58 PM

Actually, Fathmina, you are totally right. The dog park isn’t smelly at all in this frozen tundra! It makes my walk to Market Basket much more pleasant.

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