Squares #4: Karen, Rock & Roll Yard Sale

by Jess Bean on September 7, 2010

It smells like Fall in the Ville. But we’re still posting about things that happened in August. Deal. The Rock & Roll Yard Sale in Union Square was full of vinyl and Etsy.

Karen, musician, artist, designer...all-around Renaissance woman

At the Rock & Roll Yard Sale, Karen sold a collection of costumes that her electro-pop band had worn at their concerts, along with piles of costume jewelry and pins. Buying clothes from strangers is fun enough already, but buying clothing that once was part of a stage show is a double mitzvah.

On the origin of her bejeweled epaulets:

Karen: “I didn’t make this shirt myself. I think it’s actually from T.J. Maxx — the teen girls’ section.

“I made these earrings. They were part of the band’s merchandise. And the hat is from a show we did outside in the winter.

“When my band was performing, we had 64 different themes for the costumes we would wear. And I made 32 of them. We’re not performing together anymore, so I’m selling the costumes. This is the last of it.”

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{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Fathmina October 17, 2010 at 11:58 AM

Jess Bean – you are the rock to my roll, the scratched up old vinyl to my yard sale.

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