Test Kitchen: Pasta with Roasted Corn, Smoked Bacon and Plum Tomatoes

by Mara Eyllon on August 27, 2010

Few preparations of corn are as simple and delightful as the slow oven roast of  cobs slathered with olive oil, garlic, oregano, salt and pepper. Once roasted to perfection (this may vary to personal taste), the plump kernels may be sliced off with a sharp knife and added to pasta dishes and salads, swirled into  creamy chowders, or eaten straight from the cob. Unlike its boiled counterpart, the roasted kernel is slightly caramelized and juicy, its natural sweetness complimented by undertones of smoke and herbs.

This week we roasted some cobs fresh from the Union Square Farmers Market, removed the Kernels and added them to a simple pasta dish of plum tomatoes (also from the market), smoky bacon (procured from Sherman Market in Union Square), garlic and fresh clippings of oregano. The unique flavor/texture this combination yielded turned out to be just right for the imposing fall months. Warm and comforting without being too heavy, the only thing leftover was the sweet and earthy aroma wafting through the house.

Fresh Pasta with Roasted Corn, Tomatoes and Smoked Bacon


Serves 4

3 Ears fresh corn

6 Slices smoked bacon

2-3 Sprigs fresh oregano (or 1-2 tsp dried oregano)

6 Plum tomatoes, chopped fairly chunky

2-3 Cloves garlic, grated, pressed or minced

S+P to taste

Olive Oil

Fresh Pasta for 4, we used angel hair, but I think a smaller shape such as fusilli or gemili  may be better suited for this dish


Roasting the Corn

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Meanwhile, peel back corn husks (without removing) and brush cobs with olive oil. Then Sprinkle with finely chopped oregano, salt and pepper. Place Corn in a baking tray and put it in the oven. Roast corn for 20-30 minutes, until kernels are golden brown and set to cool. Holding the corn upright by the husk use a sharp knife to slice kernels onto a plate and set aside.

Sauce Preparation

Cut bacon lengthwise, and then across, creating small strips. Place bacon into pan and heat over medium until it begins to sizzle and release fat. Add garlic and mix, allowing the garlic and bacon flavors to meld. Add chopped tomato, corn and oregano and cook until tomatoes are soft and warm. Toss with pasta and serve with some freshly grated parmesan.

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Sarah September 7, 2010 at 11:30 AM

Yummmmm…good choice to leave the skin on the pomodoro!

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